Capoeira Wiki

An armada can be either a Rabo-de-Arraia without the hands supporting on the floor (the head falls below the waist and the kick is executed with the heel), or a Meia lua de Costas (halfmoon from the back), a spinning kick with the body upright. However the general meaning of this technique is a spinning inside to outside crescent kick.

The striking surface is usually the outside blade of the kicking foot. A Queixada and armada are executed in the exact same way with the exception of the armada beginning with a step to the right or left before releasing the kick. The power of the armada actually comes from the torque placed on the hips from the spin.

After stepping across the body (to the right or left) at around 45 degrees, the hips are spun while the arms are up to protect from punches or other kicks. Once there is enough torque, the kicking leg is "released" rather than kicked. This leg goes around in the same motion as a queixada until the kicking leg has finished its arc all the way back or parallel to the other foot.

Armada Pulada An Armada that is released after a jump. The armada pulada begins the same way as the regular armada with the capoeirista turing to the left or right. Once the head, neck and shoulders rotate towards the front, he/she jumps during the release of the armada making it a spinning aerial kick.

Armada Dupla Also known as an Envergado. A Grupo Capoeira Brasil player coincidentally known as Envergado is said to have invented this very move. The distinguishing feature of this move is the fact that both legs remain together during the take off, execution, and landing. Its name, Armada dupla, is derived from this feature and also literally means "double armada". After the take off, the torso stays upright and vertical, but will begin to quickly torque in order to swing the legs around and upwards. At the peak of this move, the body is in the shape of a "V". The legs continue to swing over as the body straightens out for the landing. In tricking, this move is called a Double Leg. Along with the Meia Lua de Compasso and Au Malandro/Batida, the armada dupla one of the trademark kicks unique to the art capoeira.

Armada com Martelo The armada com martelo is a spinning double kick beginning with an armada pulada and finishing with a Martelo. The capoeirista begins with the same motion of the Armada. While the first leg is raised up, he/she jumps off their back leg. Once the first leg completes its arc, the leg that was jumped off of comes around in the form of a jumping martelo rotado.
